Expert Plantar Fasciitis Pain Treatment in Manhattan, Provided by Matthew Spiegel, MD
Plantar fasciitis is a common condition that causes pain in the heel and sole of the foot. It is the result of inflammation of a thick band of tissue that runs across the bottom of the foot and connects the heel bone to the toes, known as the plantar fascia. The pain usually occurs on the bottom of the heel and can radiate to the toes. The discomfort is usually worse in the morning when taking the first steps or after prolonged sitting, but can also be felt when standing or climbing stairs. Other symptoms include limited ankle mobility, stiffness and swelling in the heel area, and difficulty standing on tiptoes. Risk factors for plantar fasciitis include obesity, occupations that require a lot of walking or standing on hard surfaces, and activities that place excessive stress on the heel and foot, such as running or dancing.
- CRPS Type I (formerly known as reflex sympathetic dystrophy) corresponds to patients without a known peripheral nerve injury.
- CRPS Type II (formerly known as causalgia) develops after a known peripheral nerve injury.
The exact pathogenesis of CRPS is still an active area of study, but is thought to be due to maladaptive changes within the peripheral and central nervous systems. CRPS is considered a relatively rare condition that can have a significant impact on the quality of life of those affected. Although there is no cure, various treatments can help make the disorder more manageable.